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For general information about the program, download the
Safety Groups Employer's Guide

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Program Overview

The Safety Groups Program promotes health and safety in the workplace. This is accomplished through mentoring, pooling of resources and sharing of best practices between member firms, their sponsor and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). Along with improved safety records member firms can receive financial benefits in the form of rebates from the WSIB.

The Safety Groups Program is administered by the WSIB. It was first implemented in 2000 and has received high approval ratings from participating members.

The Ontario Forestry Safe Workplace Association is currently sponsoring a safety group made up of firms from the Forestry sector. In 2000, our total group rebate on WSIB insurance premiums was $1,337,167.77, which was shared by 45 firms. In 2001, our total group rebate on WSIB insurance premiums was $906,422.49, which was shared by 68 firms. The total group rebate for 2002 is $2,200,000.

How the Program Works

At the start of the year, member firms select five safety elements they will initiate or improve upon, from a list provided by the WSIB. Firms attend meetings, share ideas and pool resources; learning from each other how to put these initiatives into place.

At the end of the year, the safety group can receive a rebate, based on the entire group's success in implementing their selected safety elements. If all the firms complete all the required health and safety changes, the group will receive the full potential rebate. However, if the firms, on average, only complete 60% of the required changes, they will only receive 60% of the rebate.

The potential rebate is calculated by first pooling the firms to create one large rate-payer. As a result, the group's rating factor under the New Experimental Experience Rating program (NEER) will be higher, increasing the size of a possible rebate. Next, the group's total individual experience rating rebate or surcharge is subtracted from the first calculation. The potential rebate is the difference.


A safety group with 40 firms and 5 million dollars in combined premiums will calculate their rebate as follows:

NEER (calculated with the firms pooled): $755,000
The group's total individual Experience Rating: - $168,000
Potential Group Rebate: = $587,000

The safety group will receive the full potential rebate if 100% of the firms complete 100% of their selected safety elements.
Firms will continue to receive refunds or surcharges based on their individual performances under regular experience rating programs (NEER, CAD-7 or MAP).

How to qualify for a rebate

· Every firm in the group must complete a workplace assessment, using a tool provided by the WSIB. The group decides if the assessments should be self-administered or conducted by a third party. Using the results of the assessment, each firm develops a plan for improving its health and safety programs.

· The group meets periodically to network, share practical experience and assess progress.

· At the year's end, the assessments are repeated.

· The sponsor reports the results to the WSIB. If it can be shown that safety and prevention programs have been implemented or improved upon, rebates may be distributed to the firms.

· Rebates are not guaranteed, the group must provide evidence that it has made progress in developing health and safety programs.

The WSIB will spot-check at least 10% of workplaces in a safety group to verify reported results.

Ontario Forestry Safe Workplace Association's Role

Each safety group has a sponsor. The sponsor leads and coordinates the group. Working with the WSIB and Health and Safety Associations, the sponsor encourages and helps workplaces develop health and safety programs. If a firm is having trouble implementing a safety element, it can approach the sponsor for support and guidance. The sponsor also recruits new members, organizes meetings and reports the group's progress back to the WSIB.

Program Participation

To participate in the Safety Groups Program a firm must:

· Have commitment from the owner or senior management to participate in the program.
· Create and enhance a safety culture in the workplace.
· Be a schedule 1 firm
· Be in good standing with the WSIB
· Be committed to participating for a least one full calendar year
· Participate in only one safety group at a time
· Not be a member of the Safe Communities Incentive Program
· Complete all of the requirements of the Safety Groups Program such as:
- Participate in at least three safety group meetings throughout the year
- Complete baseline and year-end assessments of the firm's health and safety program strengths and weaknesses
- Develop and implement an action plan of health and safety elements
- Keep the sponsor informed of progress.


Along with its portion of the group's rebate, a member firm continues to receive refunds or surcharges under its regular experience rating program (NEER, CAD-7, or MAPP), based on individual performance.

In addition to financial gains, safety group members stand to gain:

· Enhanced public perception
· Increased productivity
· Improved quality
· Healthy and stable workforce
· Increase employee morale
· Access to health and safety resources
· Enhanced access to WSIB Network.


If your firm is committed to improving health and safety and interested in the Safe Workplace Ontario safety group, contact:
your local Consultant Trainer or OFSWA's North Bay Office at (705) 474-7233.


This Safety Groups website is supported by the Ontario Forestry Safe Workplace Association





